In light of the challenging situation that we are all experiencing due to the pandemic, we have found that using “temporary professionals” to fill in for people who have become ill or for other reasons are not able to fulfill their responsibilities has been quite successful. The advantages of using “temps” through Questemps, Inc. are:… Read more »

Compensation for executives in Family Offices typically correlates to the amount of assets under management, the complexity of the organization and their responsibilities. As assets under management increase, many Single Family Offices have and will continue to employ non-family members, which is clearly the current trend. In order to attract and retain the top executives,… Read more »

Edward Marshall, Managing Director at Boston Private is joined by executive search professionals, Michael Rosenblatt, President of The Quest Organization and Neil Kreuzberger, President of Kreuzberger Associates to discuss Family Offices and the effect that the pandemic has had on them and best practices in family office human capital management. Topics include: -How Family Offices have worked through… Read more »

The Quest Organization is a highly respected recruiting and consulting firm with a focus on family offices, healthcare, real estate, pharmaceuticals, financial services and closely held businesses that has been in business for over 30 years. In addition, we have a solution for working through the current crisis. Through Questemps, Inc., our temporary services company,… Read more »

Fortunately, the President today, signed a Second Emergency Stimulus Bill allocating additional funding for the paycheck protection program. In light of how quickly PPP funding was exhausted during the initial round, it is essential that participants complete and file their application immediately. It is quite critical however, once you receive the funding, that you comply… Read more »

Dear Clients, Friends and Colleagues, The COVID-19 virus has presented each of us and our businesses with new, significant and unprecedented challenges. We would like to update all of you on The Quest Organization’s ongoing efforts and preparations during this global health emergency. We remain open and operational, and we are prepared to continue to… Read more »