Since retaining your employees has become one of the most significant issues facing most companies, we are recommending taking some steps to help you.
(Continued from Part 1 last week)
3. Career development- in order to retain your employees it is essential that you put in place a program that offers them the opportunity to continue to learn and be challenged.
It is essential that you communicate with your employees to gain an understanding of what they want to learn and then you can respond to them.
This can be accomplished by providing either internal or external courses/seminars or both for them. In addition, you can offer cross training to employees so that you as the employer benefit by having more than one person know the functions of the other employees and they benefit by learning another person’s role.
Additionally, if possible, you can provide a career path for the individuals if they can succeed at their current role.
4. Make sure that your management is effective. We find that quite a few people want to leave their job because their manager treats them poorly; they don’t care how many hours they are working, show no appreciation for their work and they are demeaning to them. Many people get promoted because of their outstanding performance, however managing people is a skill that many new managers are not effective at. Too many employers do not pay enough attention to this key issue.
As an Executive Search and Advisory Firm, we become aware way too often that the reason for high turnover is the person managing the staff, not the people that they are hiring.
It is essential that you evaluate the person being promoted or already in a management role with their ability to manage employees.
As a Executive Search and Advisory Firm, we are constantly assisting with evaluating the ability of managers to be effective in their role and coaching them on how they can be more effective.
If you need assistance retaining your employees and/or attracting additional employees, please contact Michael F. Rosenblatt at
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